How do I buy and sell mutual funds and UITF?


Last Update 3 bulan yang lalu

For Buying:

Step 1: Select the fund you’re interested in investing via the home or explore tab.

Step 2: Review all necessary information regarding the fund, to ensure that you know what you’re getting into.

Step 3: Press the “Invest in this Fund” button found on the side menu.

Step 4: Input the amount you want to invest, and tick the check box claiming that you have read and understood the prospectus of the fund.

Step 5: Enter your trading pin and confirm your buy order.

Step 6: From here, your buy order will be under pending status. Kindly wait for your order to be executed and completed.

Step 7: Congratulations! You can now view and monitor your investment under the portfolio tab.

For Selling:

Step 1: Go to your portfolio via the portfolio tab and select the fund you would like to sell.

Step 2: Click Sell

Step 3: Input the number of shares you want to sell, and tick the check box claiming that you have read and understood the prospectus of the fund. Then, click sell.

Step 4: You’ll find the total NAVPS, no. of shares, and early redemption fee (if applicable) in the Order Summary.

If you want to proceed, enter your Trading Pin.

(note: trading pin is the 6-digit pin you enter upon registering to InvestaFunds. If you forgot your Trading Pin, you can reset it in the settings.)

Step 5: Once you confirm your sell order, you will receive a notification with your sell order number and the expected processing time. Kindly wait for your order to be executed and completed.

Step 6: Congratulations! You can check your wallet or your transaction history to see your available funds.

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