Investagrams Terms & Agreement


Last Update 9 months ago

This Terms & Agreement was last updated on January 01, 2020.



The information in this site has been obtained from reliable sources such as from Philippines Stock Exchange (PSE) and other reliable sources. Its accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. Any analysis and recommendation contained in this site does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific addressee. This site is for the information of the addressee only and it is not to be taken in substitution for the exercise of judgment by the addressees, who should obtain separate legal or financial advice. Investagrams accepts no liability for any direct or incidental loss arising from the use of this site or further communication given in relation to this site. This site is not to be construed as an offer or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities.


The content contained in the site, but not limited to text, images, and design, except as otherwise claimed, may not be copied, displayed, distributed, altered, reproduced, and be part of any manner not governed by Investagrams. The copies to be generated from the company's website are for non-commercial use only. You may print or download information from the domain for personal application only. You may recopy the extracted data provided that you will acknowledge the source as Investagrams.

Limitations on Use. Unless otherwise approved by Investagrams Inc. in writing, Services may not be used for development of other website or system but for educational purposes only; you cannot use data or figures created by use of Services in research or educational publications authored by you unless otherwise approved by Investagrams Inc. Services may not be used for sustained commercial purposes unless otherwise approved by Investagrams Inc. in writing, but may be evaluated in a production environment. Applications and data created with Services may not be sold or licensed for a fee unless otherwise approved by Investagrams Inc. in writing.

Restrictions. Customer will not, and will not allow third parties under its control to: (a) copy, modify, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, decompile, translate, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to extract any or all of the source code of the Services.

Intellectual Property Rights. As between the parties, Customer owns all Intellectual Property Rights in Customer Data, Customer Code, and Investagrams Inc. owns all Intellectual Property Rights in the Services and Software.

Use of Customer Data. Investagrams Inc. may use Customer Data, Customer Code, and Applications only to provide the Services to Customer and its End Users and to help secure and improve the Services. For instance, this may include identifying and fixing problems in the Services, enhancing the Services to better protect against attacks and abuse, and making suggestions aimed at improving performance or reducing cost.

Content Accessible Through Services. The Service contains some third party content (such as images, vector data, and metadata). This content is the sole responsibility of the person or organization that makes it available. Content accessible through our Service may be subject to the content owners’ intellectual property rights (for example, attribution requirements or commercial use restrictions), and, if so, you may not use it unless you are licensed to do so by the owner of that content (for example, through the owner’s terms of use) or are otherwise permitted by law. Your access to the content provided by the Services may be restricted, limited, or filtered in accordance with applicable law, regulation, and policy.


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